Before publication each manuscript submitted to the Journal undergoes a thorough and rigorous peer-review. Final acceptance for all manuscripts is based on quality, impact and originality of research. We aim to complete the whole review process within 21 days. To expedite the review process, authors are encouraged to suggest at least six expert reviewers (provide full contact details and email addresses) for their manuscript and may also request specific individual(s) to be excluded from the review process (based on conflict of interest). Suggested reviewers must not be:
The Editors will give consideration to the authors’ suggestions; however, their decision to choose or exclude a referee is independent of these suggestions and shall be final.
Manuscript review is undertaken in the following steps:
Express Review
Only under exceptional circumstances, if the authors have compelling reasons that their manuscript merits immediate publication, it is possible to arrange a rapid review of the manuscript within 5 working days. Please make a case for this in the covering letter.
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Twitter: @ejevlpm