Posters and Guidelines

Thank you for considering presenting your work as a poster at this conference.

Poster preparation and submission 

Thank you for considering to present your work as a poster at this conference.

  • Page size: Page size is not important if you are presenting only digitally. However, print hardcopy posters in A1 portrait format. Larger posters and those in landscape format may not be displayed due to space constraints. Do not laminate or print your posters on heavy printing paper.
  • Naming your poster files: Name your poster files as follows:<your surname>-Apt25-Poster.pdfFor example, for David Jones, name your file as Jones-APT25-Poster.pdf. DO NOT name your poster files as, e.g.,  Oxford-poster, poster2025, Oxford-phage-poster. Such files will not be accepted.
  • Poster submission: All poster presenters, whether attending virtually or in-person, are required to submit a digital version of their poster. Submit your final poster as PDF (<5MB) via the link below no later than the advertised date. Late posters may not be included in the conference programme. Please DO NOT send your poster (or abstract) files by email, and ensure you send us the very final version of your poster (as well as your poster abstract), as once published, it cannot be replaced. Posters will be made available via the secure conference documents page to the conference participants.

Before uploading your poster, you must make sure that you follow ALL of the instructions above!

Upload your poster

Poster presentation
  • Digital poster presentation (required): Digital/PDF posters will be made available via the secure conference documents page to the conference participants. The participants will be able to ask questions via the Zoom chatbox during the conference. There is no specific time for presenting digital posters.
  • Hardcopy poster presentation (optional): If attending in-person, you may bring along a printed copy of your poster (maximum A1 portrait) to be displayed during the conference. You may be assigned a specific day to display your poster.
  • Flash-talk videos (optional, but strongly encouraged): We are pleased to offer poster presenters the opportunity to prepare a short video presentation about their poster and send it before the conference. The videos will be made available on the LPMHealthcare YouTube channel. Below is further information for sending your video presentation.
    • Download the opening slide (APT25 first slide) and use it as the first slide of your presentation (see example:
    • Give your presentation (no longer than 5 minutes) using Zoom or another platform of your choice.
    • Convert the video into a format compatible with YouTube (e.g., MP4).
    • Send your video to using a file transfer program, such as MailBigFile or WeTransfer.
  • Conference participants can post their questions on X at any time using the meeting hashtag #APT25 – do tag ~@AptamerSociety in your tweets.

Please keep an eye on this page for any future updates.

Before uploading your poster, you must make sure that you follow ALL of the instructions above!

Upload your poster

Accepted poster abstracts (unedited)

(Presenters in Bold)

If your abstract has been accepted for presentation but it does not appear in the list below, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing


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