Submit an Abstract

Aptamers 2025 invites abstracts for oral and poster presentations on all aspects of aptamer research. We particularly encourage final year doctoral students and early/mid career postdoctoral researchers/junior group leaders to submit oral abstracts, as we believe this event will provide their research an excellent exposure, critical analysis by attending senior researchers and possibly new career opportunities.

We would welcome presentation themes/abstracts for pre-approval. Please use the provided Abstract template to prepare your abstract and send by emailing

Abstract Submission Deadlines

Oral Abstracts: 31 Jan 2025 |Poster Abstracts: 21 Mar 2025 | Digital Posters: 10 Apr 2025 

Abstract Submission Policies

Please note the following abstract submission policies.

>The person submitting the abstract will be the first or the last author and will receive all communications regarding their abstract.

>Please use the provided Abstract template for drafting your abstract and upload all information as a single file using the link below. Save your abstract file, e.g., for Dr David Jones, as Jones-APT25. Scanned images and PDF abstracts will not be considered.

>The abstract must not exceed 2000 characters with spaces (excluding title, authorship and contact/email information). Longer abstracts will not be considered.

>Do not include subheadings, paragraphs, images or references, which will be removed during typesetting.

>Acceptance of an abstract does not automatically imply commitment to financial support for the presenter. Limited financial support is available for invited academic speakers onlyIndustry (including invited industry speakers) and non-invited speakers/poster presenters are expected to register as fee-paying delegates.

>You may submit your abstract for pre-approval; however, your registration fee must be paid in full and your abstract received by the advertised deadlines for it to be formally accepted for a presentation.

>Before completing the registration form please ensure that your browser and computer settings allow ‘form submission’ and ‘file upload’. We strongly recommend that after submitting your form you email to inform us of the submission.

Aptamers 2025 Abstract Submission

  • If you are an invited speaker, please use your last name/surname in this box.

    If your abstract is for pre-approval, use 'Pre-approval' in this box.

  • Please ensure that your email address is correct and valid.

  • Maximum 150 characters (with spaces)

  • Max. file size: 1 GB.
    The following consent concerns the recording and distribution of oral and poster presentation(s). Please accept or decline the consent on behalf of all co-authors of your work and presentation by checking the appropriate box.


    Presentation: all media, including slides, posters, photographs, images, video images and audio recordings captured during this event

    Presenter/Lead Presenter: The individual(s) leading/giving the Presentation

    Publisher/Distributor: LibPubMedia Ltd/Library Publishing Media and/or their assigned agents and service providers, and their officers

    The consent includes the following:

    1-Royalty-free right and permission to hold, use, edit, publish, add to, delete from and adapt the Presentation in any print or electronic media, including the Internet, throughout the world for any lawful purpose, including advertising and promotional purposes, in perpetuity

    2-The use of the Presentation with or without textual and visual features, such as the presenter’s name and/or business address, attributions, editorial text and animation


    >The Presenter understands and agrees that the Presentation will be available on the Internet, and will be accessible to Internet users throughout the world, including in countries that may have less extensive data protection laws than the UK

    >The Presenter releases and discharges the Publisher/Distributor from any and all claims and demands arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the Presentation, including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, right of publicity and defamation.

    The Presenter declares that they have read this consent carefully, and fully understand its meanings and implications.

    This consent is not intended in any way to impede or restrict the Presenter’s rights to publish their work in any form in the future. The presenters retain any legal copyright and intellectual property rights of their work.

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